Friday, April 25, 2008

A message from some slightly bitter Gringos

We hereby resolve to commence a BlogStrike with immediate effect, until further notice. This bold resolution was necessitated by a sharp drop off in comments recently. Los Gringos do, however, wish to make it clear that they appreciate all those who do post comments - we only wish there were more just like you. Sniff sniff.

Anyway, a quick update...

Due to all the smoke in BA, we´re still in Cordoba, but hopefully Esteban (who is now known as E´Steep) and Nadia, will be on an early bus tomorrow morning on the way to the city of Evita and Tango. Fausto will remain in Cordoba before he -takes the easy route and - flies to Buenos Aires on tuesday. Thus, if you blogreaders up the comments enough to make us change our minds, you could be in for two seperate blog entries, at once. That´s simultaneous blogging. Oh yes.

Shite, that qualifies as a blog doesn´t it? Well, the BlogStrike shall begin... now!

We´re off to a discopartyparty.

Yours slightly angrily,

Los Gringos


thatdamncat said...

Those damn non-commenters! You know you can always rely on me. I here for you guys.

By the way, E 'Steep, I picked a large bag of your chillis, thanks. And thanks for the use of your fine automobile, although it would have been nice of you to leave a little petrol in it. And we are thoroughly enjoying the Sugus sweets we found in your cubby-hole. That was a nice touch.

Oh and Nanuk says "hi" - I rubbed her tummy for you this morning. Shameless says hi too.

Looking forward to the peaceful resolution of the Blog Strike, and to the highly exciting prospect of Simultaneous Blogging (SB as I believe it's known in blogging circles).


thatdamncat said...

Oh yes - and don't worry, I won't tell anyone about the fact you listen to Justin Timberlake. We plugged one of your memory sticks into your radio and guess what we found?

Moosekaka said...

Oh wah wah wah. Guess who's feeling sorry for themselves. Well boo hoo. Guess the reason some of us can't blog on a more regular basis is that we actually WORK for a living, and have to raise kids, feed families, etc. (not sure what that says about ThatDamnCat) Not all of us get to flit around the world "roughing it", meeting up with interesting travelers, and drinking until we fall over while partying into the early hours. So sorry for youse. Stop your whining and get back on the keyboard. Dammit.

Moosekaka said...

Oh, and may I just say... WOO HOO HOO, WAH HA HA HOO HOO HA HA HOO WAH HA! JT! JT?! As a sibling, I insist that you hang your head in shame. As Anna would say: POOF!

Wiseman said...

stop whining you spoiled travelers! i would post comments more often if you posed questions to the audience such as "which gringo should be voted out this week?" or "should we take the roadblock or the detour?"!

gringomutti said...

Don't know if mother of gringo counts as a wanted commenter but I'll try. Just love your blogs and am spreading the word even to your English teacher of yore. All well here but Nanuk caught kennel cough (ever heard of it? go to google) and now sneezes delicately and coughs ferociously. Vet says nothing to worry about with antibiotics. A very spoilt dog indeed is she.

Was that OK?

thatdamncat said...

I would say that was perfect.

thatdamncat said...

And I'm all for voting out gringos - More audience participation is a good idea! Let's have some polls, SMS competitions, all of it.