Friday, May 9, 2008


A quick update for you all read while you work off your saturday hangover (I mainly have thatdamncat in mind when I mention the hangover - if I could blog a loud noise I would... ha!).

We are still in Buenos Aires. We have tried so hard to leave this city, but it is difficult. We even went all the way to the bus station today, only to return home with the promise of leaving tomorrow. We will leave tomorrow. I think.

In the last couple of days we have been enjoying the city while trying to keep to our tight Saffer budget. We have not been able to keep to said budget, but we have been enjoying the city. Last night we went to a Tango show at Cafe Tortoni, a place which has been visited by people like Brad Pitt. Not quite as famous as Brad Pitt, but people similar to him have been there. And Hillary Clinton went there and loved it, which isn't a good advertisement in my opinion because I would generally stay away from things that Hillary loved (like Bill Clinton and The Cosby's on Ice), but this place kicked ass! Nadia had her heart set on seeing a tango show before we left BA, but most of the shows we priced were in the range of R400 - R600 which is very steep (even for Hillary). Just as it looked like we weren't going to see one, we priced Tortoni, saw it was affordable, and went for it. We were not disappointed. If my camera was not so far away right now (its all the way downstairs and I would have to navigate through 10 drunk Swedes, and a German with an awful haircut, playing cards to get to it), I would post some pictures so that you could see just how cool it was. I would also post a picture of the German's haircut. Nevertheless, I could use the power of prose to help you out. His hair is shaved bald except for a ponytail which extends to the top of his head. Oh ya the show... it was a small theater (about twelve tables) and a stage, with an incredible four piece tango band (piano, double bass, violin and accordian - essential for tango), and four seperate tango couples. There was also a really good male singer who played a waiter. From my understanding of the show, it was set in a small bar, and it detailed the goings on off the bar, with the waiter acting as a singing narrator. The main focus was the dancing and the music (well, I suppose they go hand in hand - it would be silly if they were dancing without music). Both the dancing and the music were unbelievable, and at a point even Esteban, the manliest of men, became rather emotional about the beauty of the tango. Although the dance is mainly just about sex (its a rather provocative thing), the sheer beauty of the movements (god I sound gay right now), is unreal. We took lots of video footage so you peeps will just have to wait until we get back to appreciate it. Otherwise, go to Buenos Aires... its worth it.

Other than that, we are all well. I am slightly ill because I contracted an infection from a little baaastard on a bus and I havent been able to shake it off (the child). Fonz and the Nadia are both in excellent health however. We have days of homesickness, where we wish we were chilling at home with friends and family, but overall we still have a lot left in us (which is just as well because there is a shiteload left to see). You could spend 7 months getting to know Buenos Aires, let alone Argentina, let alone South America. Is that one too many let-alones? Im not sure of the rules of let-aloning. Excuse the punctuation errors -the keyboard is a rubbish.

Anyway, how about a revised plan of our journey for you guys? Considering the plan keeps changing day to day, take it with a pinch of salt, but here it is. From here we go to Bariloche, in the lake district of Patagonia, tomorrow afternoon. The bus is over 20 hours, which is not fun, no matter how you look at it. I can honestly say that during those 20 hours I would rather be any of you than be in that bus for that amount of time, so at least you guys don't have to be jealous of us tomorrow. We have heard that it is very cold in Bariloche - snowy temps - and Nadia is finding it rather cold in 12 degree BA, so she's gonna freeze in 0 degrees, but it should be alright. From there we cross into Chile, to go to Pucon. Pucon is famous for having an active volcano. At this point I would like to assure all the worried mothers (mine) reading this blog, that the volcano that erupted in central Chile this week has not erupted properly (yet) and the evacuations of the town south of Santiago are merely a precaution in case the thing starts spewing hot magma everywhere. We will be alright. On a lighter note, in the news today it turns out the government of Argentina has managed to blame Chile for the volcano's smoke polluting the air of BA. Classic. I'm not sure how they thought Chile was responsible for making their volcano errupt, but they're pretty pissed off. Naughty VolcanoWhispering Chileans.

I think I've gotten sidetracked. Anyway, from Pucon we shall make our make our way north to Santiago (so we can get closer to the magma :)) and to the towns of Valparaiso and Vina del Mar. After that the plan is to go to wine country of Mendoza, then Salta, and then to cross into the Wild West of Bolivia. From what we have heard, you can pretty much do whatever you want in Bolivia. For example, if hunting Anacondas is your thing (its not my thing), you can do that. If buying sticks of Dynamite for $1 and blowing up random things in a quarry is your thing, you can organise that too. Anything goes in Bolivia, we've heard. After Bolivia things are far less certain, but it looks like: Peru, Ecuador, Colombia (Go FARC yourself), and then Panama and Costa Rica to catch a flight from San Jose (Do you know the way?) to Habana, Cuba before that salty Castro shuffles off his mortal coil to let Raul take over.

But as I say, the plans could change. Anyway, there's a little update for you guys, I gotta get to bed. And there's a dutch person waiting to use the computer. And you know how the Dutch get when they're waiting. They colonize. Or smoke pot and watch porn. Either way its not pretty.

K ciao! Keep the comments coming we're very happy with the new commenters, and the not so new ones too. Except the comments about me getting chubby, I dont like those. Booo hooo!



Unknown said...

I've just read Neil's previous comment and would like to point out that HE mentioned that you may have put on a bit of weight. My name shouldn't have been mentioned there at all!. He's a fool.
I've been VERY bad about not commenting on your blog - I promise that this will change. I check it everyday and love reading about your adventures. Sounds AMAzing. I must also point out that you have been making Neil laugh out loud as opposed to his usual sniggering. Quite an achievement that!
All good here. Cape Town is cold, wet and miserable at the moment so I feel lots of red wine in front of fireplaces coming on :).
Miss you guys

Unknown said...

Vicky is engaging in inexactitude, dissimulation and mendacity. She is widely known to speak of 'Fat-Ass Steve in South America'. I think it is insensitive, but pertinent.

Fulvia said...

Oh dear... so much mud-slinging...It looks like El Esteban is suffering from the effects "I'm fat" stress...
Los Gringos, after a weekend that barely felt like a weekend, I am ready to throw in the work life towel, and join you on the lengthy bus rides around South America. Yeah right (someone's got to watch milla's back...Someone other than Pancho, I mean).
But maybe you will take pity on me, and do me one favour: bring me back black and white photos of Cuba. You know the kind: nostalgic, betraying the charm that lies under the socialist rot... Men in wife beaters and panama hats, cigars hanging limply from their lips....beautiful women in floral dresses and espadrilles... or whatever.

Anyway. Meetings are calling me. At least the capuccino will be yummy. I love you all! (ps, my verification code for leaving this comment is great- yszgugot! an apt name for bad German haircuts, no doubt!)

Moosekaka said...

Oh you filthy liar, Ror. She has called him nothing of the sort! No, she's far too clever for that. Rather she has Anna walking around singing Stevie-the-fat-assed-Gringo to the tune of Rudolph. It's catchy, I warn you! Soon the whole of Paulshof will be humming the merry tune. Hello Gringos! Loved the latest blog. Each time I say to anyone who will listen: THIS is the funniest one. THIS is the funniest one! And besides, who's afraid of a bit of magna? Not I, said the Moose! Loved the description of the Tango show, and can't wait to see said video. DON't lose the camera!! Am worried about the quality of people you share your living space with. No wonder you have caught the lurgy. Be careful, you hear! Don't breathe on the bus tomorrow: do as they do in China (not the spitting on the floor thing) and cover your nose and mouth. Should help with burning chunks of magna too (hi, Mom!). I beat the Cat! I beat the Cat! Lots of love to y'all, K

Fulvia said...

It's official. Vernon Koekemoer is taking over the world. And since you Gringos have been missing out, you had better get across to our website ( to catch him in action.... Check out videos, new Nandos ads. It's worth it...